EP Students Take 3rd Place in the Aksara-Wichakarn (ASEAN) Competition!
The English Program of Assumption College recently sent 2 students to participate in a special quiz competition. The competition was named “Aksara – Wichakarn (ASEAN)” - for senior high school - and was held on the 27th of August 2014. The students from EPAC who participated in this event were:
1. Mr.Varit Sinthopruengchai, EP-M5/2 student number 45408
2. Mr.Thatchaphon Leelarpracharkul, EP-M5/2 student number 45510
….and they were taken care of by Master Teerapong Singhathong.
This competition was organized by the Faculty of Arts of Silpakorn University. There were 27 teams that participated, and out of this number, our students won 3rd place!
The purpose of organizing this competition was to disseminate new knowledge in Human Science and Social Science; sharing and learning through activities such as exhibitions, games, performances, competitions, and seminars.